Dynamics Online

Microsoft Business Apps and Microsoft Cloud

How to get table size of all table in a SQL DB in a spreadsheet

Many times while upgrading or migrating from on-prem to cloud hosted ERP, our customers would like to know if their current AX DB size would be applicable on cloud. Do they need to buy extra DB storage or should that be enough given the number of licenses they are buying. And for any SQL Server

How to move data from on-prem to cloud using SSIS

In this video, I'll explain the steps of moving data from a flat file and SQL server to Azure SQL on cloud using SSIS. https://youtu.be/VTI3QErlMkU

Part 2 – Build azure function to process the messages in Azure Service topic

In this second part of my three part series, I am going to list down steps to build an azure function to process Confirmed Purchased orders which which we are receiving in Azure Service topic. We deployed our topic with two subscriptions to essentially build multiple messaging pipelines for different consuming applications. The idea is

Download free eBooks on Kubernetes and distributed system on Azure

Just came across this link. Free eBooks from Microsoft to learn containerization in general with Kubernetes and how to deploy kubernetes IaaS on Azure. Check it out. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/kubernetes-collection-host/

How to build REST APIs with Azure functions

Web APIs has been around for quite a while and one can develop REST APIs now in all most all technology platforms. Certainly in Azure as well. In this blog post, I am going to describe how to create server less Azure functions that can work as REST APIs and how easy it is to

Part 1 – Configure Business events with Service Bus Topics

In this blog post, I'll configure the business events in D365FO with Azure Service Bus topics. Configure Azure Service Queue Navigate to Azure portal - https://portal.azure.com/ and select Service Bus. Select Service Bus or 'Create a resource' and find service bus. For service bus, you need to create a service bus namespace, where you can

Avoid point-to-point integrations nightmare by using business events and Azure based middle layer

Integrating and communicating through standardized data sets with multiple systems is an indispensable requirement in every ERP project. No business can just rely on a single system or service to comply with all business needs. Traditionally it has been seen that as the requirements arises to use additional piece of software or a service provider,

Recurring Outbound Integrations using DMF and Azure Logic Apps

In this article, I am going to list down steps to create an Azure LogicApp based recurring integration for bulk data export. If LogicApps is new to you, don’t worry, you can follow through the steps and have your logic app developed quite easily and learn through the process. For more details about logic apps,